Interested in getting to know your new home? The Newcomers Club has a wide variety of activities to help you learn about Tucson, southern Arizona, and the beautiful Sonoran Desert. Service the Community, participating in activities to help the local charities we support. Enjoy a docent-led tour of a local museum, followed by a happy hour to discuss the interesting displays and things we learned. Join our Meet Me groups to enjoy a movie, concert, play, lecture or anything else that you would like to do with other members along for the fun. JOIN THE CLUB |
Outdoor Life |
Want to get out and enjoy everything that the Tucson area has to offer? The Newcomers Club offers activities for those who want to explore the great outdoors and make the most of this beautiful place we live. Our outdoor activities have been greatly curtailed during the Pandemic, but check the Activities Calendar (members only) to see which groups are still active now with restrictions in place for your health and safety. |
Hiker Chicks Explore trails in the many mountains and parks of this area. You can start with beginning hikes you might want to try and move up to longer trails with steeper climbs. You can build up to exercise pace and more strenuous hikes for those with more experience. Birding Join local birding enthusiasts for a walk in one of Tucson’s many parks and get a glimpse of some of the hundreds of species of birds that live in or pass through Tucson regularly. Your leader will explain why each park attracts particular species, and you will learn to identify them by sight and sound.” Biking Join other cyclists for rides of varying pace and difficulty on Tucson's Loop Trail and other local bike routes. |
Eat, Drink, and be Merry! |
Interested in getting to know your new Tucson area neighbors while attending lively social events? The Newcomers Club of Tucson has many social activity committees that host parties and get-togethers every month. From cocktails to cooking, homes to restaurants, there is always a fun social event just around the corner. You will have many opportunities to meet other members in a fun social setting. Coffee Time: Coffees are held in the home of a member. This small group format is an easy way to meet new people like you. Jolly Hour: Get to know your fellow members while enjoying delicious food and drink with BYO smorgasbord hosted by a member in their home. Spouses and guests are encouraged. Luncheons: Socialize at the best area restaurants and country clubs. The luncheon includes club news updates and a local guest speaker. Happy Hour: Meet other members at local restaurants for casual socializing during Happy Hour. Brews and Tunes: Gather with other members and their guests or spouses at local clubs and restaurants for a fun evening of live music and tasty beverages. |
Shared Interests |
Book Clubs Get together once a month for lively discussions on books selected by members of each group. Games Newcomers love games of all types and there are always opportunities to try something new or have a rousing match of your favorite game with other enthusiasts. Some recent favorites include Mah Jongg, Rummikub, Bridge, and Euchre.Discussion Groups Gather regularly with small groups of members who have committed to deepening their friendships and exploring a variety of topics together in a safe, supportive environment. Film Discussion Groups
Get together to discuss a chosen movie. Line Dancing Learn and practice a variety of dance steps. Writers Group Are you a writer or aspiring to become one? Join others wanting to hone their skills for advice, support and practice! Knitting Group Join fellow knitting enthusiasts at a local restaurant bi-weekly to socialize while working on your current project. Meet Me Have an idea for something fun to do and want some company? Put it on the Activity Calendar so other members can join you in the fun! This can be a one-time event or something you'd like to do regularly - the choice is yours. |
Charity OutreachTucson is a city that has a variety of non-profit organizations which offer a plethora of opportunities to get involved. We compiled this directory to provide an overview of organizations where you might want to volunteer, donate, or access their services. |